Hello, welcome to HiBrids Technology Co., Ltd.!
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We started in 2020, with an idea, a dream and a love of birds.

Shenzhen Xinwo Industrial Company Limited is a new innovative company. In 2020, A group of very caring guys began to develop a smart bird feeder named Hibirds.

Hibirds is a smart bird feeder that notifies you of feathered visitors, captures their photos and organizes them in a beautiful collection that is easy to view and share lovely moments with your friends and family whenever and wherever you are. 

We are using smart technology and state-of-the-art design to help you and all bird lovers reconnect with nature and bring joy into your lives and the lives of your loved ones.

  • Email:sales1@xinvo.com

  • Mobile/Wechat/WhatsApp:+8618128826723

Copyright © 2022Hibrids All Rights Reserved. Add:Room 408, 4F, Building A, Getailong Industrial Park, Yangmei Village, Ban Tian, Long Gang, Shenzhen  XML